Project History
The project addresses one of the major global challenges that humanity is facing, but most importantly takes on what is described as a THREAT for the Cross-Border area: the “Potential severe impacts of climate change on the natural and manmade environment”. The project aspires to showcase how a well-developed integrated energy intervention can achieve environmental targets, while at the same time boost economic growth and lead to a fair low-carbon economic development.
The project thus is built on four pillars: local RES utilization, increased energy efficiency, technology transfer capacity assessment, and promotion of responsible energy lifestyles. Therefore, SOLIS operationalizes the OPPORTUNITY of the CB area, i.e. “Energy production and renewable energy sources (RES)” by focusing on solar energy electricity production on a local level.
The project was developed by the Municipalities of Preveza and Finiq and the University of Ioannina – Special Account for Research Funds – Department of Early Childhood Education, with the support of the Dept. of Computer Sciences and Engineering. Each partner brought its expertise to develop this integrated project that takes into account the local strengths and weaknesses of the Cross-Border area.
Based on the joint effort of partners, the project proposes the application of a number of actions, that specifically correspond to the local capacity, population characteristics, strengths, weaknesses and opportunities, and threats of the Cross-Border area.
SOLIS, therefore fully corresponds to the Programme area; acknowledging the financial constraints emphasizes on Finiq and Preveza with small scale interventions that work as an example for the other authorities in the Cross-Border area, leveraging RES development, and driving sustainable economic growth. Similarly, the Coordinated Actions to promote Energy Responsible Lifestyles correspond to actual everyday changes that are readily available in the Cross-Border area, while at the same time can be easily scaled and adapted to other settings.
The main approach of the project is the integrated intervention maximising the investment value. The project will be localized as far as actions are concerned, but it will create area-wide effects for all the Cross-Border population thus setting up an example of integrated planning that takes into account local characteristics and showcasing a way to unlock the RES potential of other areas and promote energy efficiency.
SOLIS recognizes local authorities as key-actors for the promotion of RES and energy efficiency, and educators as important communication multipliers for energy efficiency. Furthermore, SOLIS underscores the importance of sound energy choices on a personal level and the local population as a great leveraging force towards a sustainable future.
SOLIS capitalizes on the strengths of the CB area and those of its partners, developing an intervention that highlights the relevance of local RES and Energy Efficiency actions and the power that everyday choices have to bring about the desired transition to a sustainable economy.